In August 2003, the original members reunited (once again) with both Alvin brothers intact, to perform at The Galaxy Theatre in Santa Ana, California. In August 2003, the original members reunited (once again) with both Alvin brothers intact. Notorious for their raucous stage show, this video is the long overdue debut of The Blasters on film. The 19-track set finds the band in top form, showcasing such band staples as "Marie Marie," "Border Radio" and "Im Shaking." Adding to the magic of the evening are guest spots by a few of the bands idols: Sun Records recording artist Sonny Burgess, harpist Billy Boy Arnold, and surviving members from doo-wop legends The Calvanes and The Medallions. The Blasters Live! Going Home documents the band nearly 25 years after its formation. Theyve never sounded or looked - better.