Eduardo the Shaman: A Case Study of Culture and Hallucinogens
0.0092 minutes
Full film record explores a pre-Columbian tradition of folk therapy known as in northern Peru. Based on seven years of ethnographic research by Douglas Sharon, the footage documents the activities of Eduardo Calderon, a Peruvian fisherman, ceramacist and (healer). Scenes of the healer in various daily interactions with members of his family and local community illustrate the impact of Eduardo's charismatic personality and serve to underscore the importance which a specific cultural context has upon the diagnostic and healing process. Also explored is the importance of the local pre-Columbian ceramic art and iconography to Eduardo's healing practice; the use of herbs (including the San Pedro cactus), divination with the use of a live guinea pig, and the various ritual manipulations of the healer on his (table). Featured are scenes from a number of "seances" or curing ceremonies. The edited film EDUARDO THE HEALER was produced from this footage.