Big Brother - Season 5 Episode 31 LIVE Show: Day 28 Highlights & Pre-Eviction
4.1060 minutes
In the first true eviction night of Big Brother 2004, house beauty Vanessa was shown the door by the public. Highlights from the past 24 hours in the house were aired in the first of the evening's episodes as always. They included the 'hareem' enjoying fun and games as always, when Nadia and Michelle conspire to rip Marco's boxers off him to leave him naked. Even his attempts to find refuge in the Diary Room don't work when the girls follow him, and after achieving thier goal, Big Brother asks Marco to take a seat on the diary room chair. Daniel complains to Jason about his continuing bad mood once more and the two end up having a debate about the scot's turbulent moods. When the eviction announcement finally comes, the contestants gather on the sofa's to hear that Vanessa will be evicted. Upon her eviction, Vanessa is evicted too loud and shattering booing from the audience outside